The arkham series


Just replayed arkham origins.

I know it's not one of the official trilogy but it's bloody good. The series as a whole is excellent.

Hope they make some more in the future like

Rumour is arkham insurgency... announcement in march
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I really enjoyed the first one. Second was probably better objectively but I still preferred asylum. Don't think I put more than a couple of hours into the third, whether it was shit or whether I was just over it I couldn't say.

Didn't arse myself with the one (ones?) after that.
Asylum is the best but I really like them all tbh. Replayed each one several times. Origins gets some stick, it was made by a different studio, and wasn't included in the ps4 remaster but it's still a bloody good game imo.
Good games but could have been great. Decent sized open world in the later ones but they were completely empty. No excuse when there are games like gta
