Strangest sayings you've heard?

I’m so hungry I could eat a scabby monkey fried in shite.
I could eat the deed skin off a b*****s foot, me nanna once said that, she wasnt racist but that was the saying back then.

Also ‘snap ambush’, everyone down the line knew what it meant but as i had missed the last month of hand signals training due to a broken ankle, the saying was meaningless to me, i was promptly kicked in the helmet and told what to do

He's got more slavva than a rag mans trumpet. (about liars and silver tongued cavaliers)
He/she couldn't shout shit up a passage. (about singers)
It's like Casey's Court in here. (when the house was busy)
You couldn't bend wire that shape. (me da about anyone with big tits/arse, usually Tina Turner)
You can't go courting on creamcakes. (me da if I ate cake, he didn't think men should eat cake)
Whenever anyone used to complain about the smell of farts the Caretaker at work used to say ‘it’s a poor man who can’t stand the smell of his brothers breath’ which was a reference to being at close quarters down a coal mine and someone farting (usually in the face of the man behind him).
