Shoulder/Rotator Cuff Injuries

I’ve had a shoulder impingement for well over a year. Limited movement in affected shoulder, but ok in a neutral position.

I’ve had physio which did nowt, and a steroid injection which did nowt. Just living with it now to be honest. As @SproutMackem says regular exercise helps, but there are certain exercises which are a complete no no due to pain.

I work on ships so I do when I'm away, been home the last couple months though when this has come on so fuck knows how it's happened.
I get guitar shoulder happened over a 10 year period.
Although I wasn't playing a guitar my shoulder where the strap goes was knacking.

Working on ships sounds like very strenuous work so learn how to take it easy for a while marra.

It's mainly my left shoulder but I think it's off how I sleep on my side with me arms above me head.
Are you a goal keeper marra?
