Seaburn Stack

Been talking to someone involved in this and they said what they inject via an epi-pen is now man made so a lot harder to check for, and is out of the system a lot quicker than you’d expect. When they’ve done the bloods there have been people that have high alcohol levels, but nothing off the scale that show a 12 hour bender and also doesn’t show your street drugs but has inconsistencies. I think the problem is these people are totally out of their head, where they have no memory at all but the bruises are also consistent to what you’d expect with someone that isn’t a clerical professional leaving that type of mark. It’s definitely happening and there have been resources out there to look into it, but I’m not sure about what else you mentioned.

Mind on the other hand I do know several girls that have said they’ve been spiked and I’ve seen them knocking the drink back and I was so sceptical and hardly believed it until I’ve spoke to people dealing with it and I now know how serious it is being taken. The motive is a strange one people presume it’s sexual assault, but the police don’t think it is.

Few people involved in looking into this have said and makes sense as it’s a perfect excuse if caught as well ‘I’ve got allergies’. I was very sceptical mind

Anymore news on the spikings that didn't happen?
