peak guardian

'Bill Hicks was a bit misogynist' – young comics reassess the standup legend

Asking young comedians if Bill was woke enough.

It’s the things that got Hicks wound up: advertising, marketing, capitalism, and how they captured and sullied all things good. A generation later, advertising is the air we breathe, our selves are our product. It’s harder – for comedians and everyone else – to imagine how life could ever be otherwise. Bob seems to be understating things when she says: “Selling out has evolved in meaning.”

In fairness to the author - “Yet, as someone closer in age to Hicks, I can’t help but look at today’s widespread reluctance to offend, or to propose oneself as an authority, and feel it leaves the powers that be largely unmolested.” hits the nail on the head.
“But these days,” says the standup Chloe Petts, “if someone came on stage with that energy, you’d think, ‘Oh my God, you’re an arsehole!’ Don’t you think?”

Cut to Chloe Petts, the gay activist, perma-offended feminist, powerhouse of modern stand-up...

And.. I rest my case.
Enjoyed the article it was an interesting idea but they didn't really speak to enough people.
Maybe the OP could.point me in the direction of some other newspapers that come up with stuff like this?

The Mail? No
The Sun? :lol:
The Express? :lol::lol:
The Star? :oops:
The Telegraph? Yawn
The Times? Meh
