London its a dump

Get sick of people in sunderland calling it a dump 99% of them have never been out of it, stayed over in London now the past 4 times and in different parts and I can definitely say what a shithole it is very nice in ctr but out in the suburbs a dump give me sunderland any day glad to live in gods country.

London is the capital, it’s an international city and it’s an amazing place. Like all major cities it has its problems but overall it’s a stunning place.
London has more extremes than most other places in the uk
This is it I think. Up here we have affluent and poor areas, one or two of both either side of the water but mainly it’s working class areas where people get on and mix well, work and look after what they have. Down there it seems to me there’s no in between or at least not much. Well off or poor.

There’s loads to do down there if you have money and lots of it.
I spent a year in London in the 'loads-a-money' era plumbing for a little squad of builders. Renting in a large shared house with recently graduated types and possibly one of the best years of my life. However, I just got sick of how horrible Londoners were. Rude and barging about and one day a bloke serving in a burger place threw a knife at a customer and it hit me and that night I decided I wanted to return to the North East. For good.
mate, you should have just bought a stab vest. Be loads on the classified section on here after last weekend.
