Little things that make you smile

Not at all snooty. Just half asleep! :)
Disappointing. I love a snooty cat. My mom had one that was a complete snob but I loved it. It would pretend it didn't want attention but it would slowly get closer and closer to me until it was on my lap:lol:

My filthy mind is enough thanks - splitting my growing petunias without a YouTube/porn hub directional vid does me
When the notes in my wallet are in order, facing the same way. Honestly, it makes me much happier than it should.

Isn't usually an issue in the UK but here in the States I have banknotes coming out my arse because they still have $1 bills for some reason.
Seeing or hearing of random acts of kindness.

Watching and listening to the male blackbird, perched on the tv aerial, singing his songs each day.

Theresa May's resignation speech.
