BBC Jack Diamond cleared

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There are some horribly simplistic views in this thread.

If they start “naming and shaming” people who have made accusations or rape that weren’t successful in securing a guilty verdict, what do you think that will do to the amount of genuine rape victims who come forward and tell the authorities?

Often at best the evidence is one persons word against another. It takes a tremendous amount of bravery as it is to put yourself through a court case where you know you’re going to be called a liar, and you know you’re going to have to relive what was probably the worst thing to ever happen to you in front of hundreds of people, possibly with national press interest as well and lots of stranger who have never met you making judgements of you.

Okay there may be some horrible people out there who make false allegations, but unless you have explicit evidence to support that claim then you can’t assume “innocence until proven guilty beyond all reasonable doubt” for the defendant but “well I guess you must be guilty then love if he’s not” for the plaintiff and then tar and feather them.
Agree with what you say but think both should be given anonymity until a verdict is reached. In the eyes of the law Diamond is not guilty but in the eye of public opinion he'll have stigma attached to his name forever.
I feel really sorry for women here. It’s going to be another nail in the coffin for prosecuting rapists. Not because i think Jack was guilty. Far from it. Because imo this was brought to a jury on dodgy grounds. The evidence reeked. It’s a clear case of a false accusation of rape imo and all it does is further compound the issue society has with bringing thousands of legit rapists and perverts to justice. :rolleyes:
Makes you wonder what the CPS were thinking to allow the case to court.. they’re supposed to filter out the bollox.
Makes you wonder what the CPS were thinking to allow the case to court.. they’re supposed to filter out the bollox.
Cleared by the jury in 8 minutes, says everything really.
Oops might of actually been 7 minutes as Hettonlass says
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