It's Always Sunny

how coincidental, I downloaded the first season about 3 hrs ago....... whether i actually get round to watching it is another question mind
The best. Might help that they are all the same age as me and I lived a year just outside Philly when I was in my early 20s.

I'm most partial to Charlie. But the whole crew is hilarious.
Top show, currently on hiatus while they all work on other projects but they're under contract for 2 more seasons.

Mac is directing the forthcoming Minecraft movie at the moment.
If you don't enjoy season 1 skip ahead to season 2, it gets a lot better when Danny DiVito joins the cast.

Agree with this, watched the first few episodes of Series 1 and was disappointed so stopped. For some reason gave it another go a few years later and watched them all, Series 2 onward are brilliant.
Best comedy ever made. Pushes the boundaries so far. Absolutely love it. Think I went about two years where I had to watch at least one or two episodes a week on Netflix. Charlie Kelly may just be the best character in TV history. Fell in love with the show the moment I saw the scene that inspired my av on here. It only got better when Danny DeVito joined as Frank in Season 2. Took a good show and made it a great show.
