In a Taxi in Athens

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I got my eyes taken out in Rhodes like. You can’t trust the Greeks

My Mrs is Greek and she used to always say to me "It's not the Greeks". Sorry like, it is the Greeks. Fake currency everywhere, scamming, ripping people off left right and centre.

The family have an older American guy staying with them from tonight, he has paid for himself and travelled over from the States to do some charity work. First day in Athens, mugged all his money taken. I'll meet him later and hear the story.
My best and only defence against these feral pick pocketing scum when I was travelling around Greece was to dress like a scrofulous tramp and they left me alone. I'd see other back packers with that 'fresh off the boat' look gettingnaccosted left right and centre.
My best and only defence against these feral pick pocketing scum when I was travelling around Greece was to dress like a scrofulous tramp and they left me alone. I'd see other back packers with that 'fresh off the boat' look gettingnaccosted left right and centre.

Since the economy dived it has got exponentially worse......
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