I really really need to fart or shite


Today was a good day

The docs did their rounds including the top honcho and, uninterrupted by Raindog, told the nurse I could have my NG tube out. This happened around an hour later. It's been up nose/down throat for 8 days so this was a huge relief

I walked around 20 metres with just me wheelie thing for balance

I had a cup of black tea

I went back to the operating theatre to take out the messy bundle in my neck and had it swapped for a new central line for feeding

While they were on they howked out the last blood drain, the biggun on the right that had me screaming on Sunday when they tried to remove it after I snapped my epidural line. Ok it's smaller than a baby and I had a lesser dose but these things are magical. I didn't know that until it wasn't there

I had a cup of white tea

I had ice cream

Daryl Murphy scored

But I am still in pain because my bowel isn't moving and it's about time it did. The gases are gathering, the rumbles are there, the wind pain is eye watering, it's knocking on the (back) door

but it isn't happening

I don't care if it's a fart or a shite, or if either happen in the bed

Forest just took the lead again, smiles to piles in 2 minutes for the shop punchers


Ha ha ha that first ‘go’ after surgery is certainly memorable - when I went once there were two nurses in the room watching me - when I said excuse me they said they didn’t mind , told them I bloody did and thankfully they left. The feeling of relief was indescribable as was there stench - hopefully it won’t be long now
This will be a squirter. It's been 9 days, a bit less big bowel, a bit less small bowel and a bit less anus. It's a squirter, I just need the bowel rhythm to start jive talkin
I’m far from religious but God bless you mate it is humbling to read how you approach adversity. I get pissed off when someone is using the disabled bog as I like to have a bit of room and I don’t like people to hear what I’m doing.
Today was a good day

The docs did their rounds including the top honcho and, uninterrupted by Raindog, told the nurse I could have my NG tube out. This happened around an hour later. It's been up nose/down throat for 8 days so this was a huge relief

I walked around 20 metres with just me wheelie thing for balance

I had a cup of black tea

I went back to the operating theatre to take out the messy bundle in my neck and had it swapped for a new central line for feeding

While they were on they howked out the last blood drain, the biggun on the right that had me screaming on Sunday when they tried to remove it after I snapped my epidural line. Ok it's smaller than a baby and I had a lesser dose but these things are magical. I didn't know that until it wasn't there

I had a cup of white tea

I had ice cream

Daryl Murphy scored

But I am still in pain because my bowel isn't moving and it's about time it did. The gases are gathering, the rumbles are there, the wind pain is eye watering, it's knocking on the (back) door

but it isn't happening

I don't care if it's a fart or a shite, or if either happen in the bed

Forest just took the lead again, smiles to piles in 2 minutes for the shop punchers

May the farts be with you
Try patting your belly to sort of encourage the wind along a bit. It’s the same principle as winding babies after they have been fed. The normal route to the outside is up the right hand side of your body, across under your ribs and then down the left side of your body. You should feel it if it starts working... along with copious amounts of wind. Let it go!

The bowel itself stops its rhythmical movement if messed about with during surgery. Mine was messed about with for 12 hours so has 'stopped'. It needs to start. And soon.
