I’ve started Christmas dinner preparations

Can't stand belly pork. Don't know how anyone can enjoy the taste of essentially a load of fat and gristle.

I don't like it either. Have tried it a couple of times but I just don't like it! I don't eat the crackling off pork either.
Who wants to be peeling veg on Christmas day, making pigs in blankets and stuff when it can be done a couple of days before? What about making desserts? It can take 3 hours for a turkey to cook. Unless you go for ready made stuff, I can’t see how anyone and do a decent dinner from start to finish in 3 hours.

Don't eat meat here so I make a nut roast on Christmas Eve.... Chopped nuts, herbs, mushrooms (fresh & porcini) stilton & cranberries bound with egg...

Christmas day I take the dog for a good walk leaving the veg prep to the others, come home, wack the lot in the oven while I drink gin and open presents !!!!!
