Films you can only watch once

Human Centipede. Worrying thing is, after watching it I thought about which one I’d rather be!

Would have to be the front.
That's One Hour Photo.
Insomnia is Pacino and Williams in Alaska. Scenery is off the scale. Really good film.

I don't really want to say too much about it as I can't remember the way the story goes and what gets revealed and what's in the twist
Just downloaded I mean bought this to try tonight
Grave of the fireflies. I have it on the shelf but can’t bring myself to watch it again.
Full version here with English subtitles if anyone can bring themselves to watch it.

Thought so. Never watched it but I reckon it would be either interesting or disappointing...

If you enjoyed the movie, you'd probably find it interesting. I did.

Surprised there’s been no mention of requiem for a dream yet, never felt so empty inside as I did after watching that film. Have the dvd sitting on my shelf and give a little shudder everytime it catches my eye.

Exactly the movie I was going to post when I saw the thread title.

One of those that definitely fit in my "awesome movie, glad I've seen it, never want to see it again because it's too disturbing" category.
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