FAO Roger/Techies - Site issue

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Rightyo, got a new PC with Windows 8 installed (now 8.1).
Firefox keeps stalling on certain pages on the site (and indeed on others). The page just stops loading and the "loading" doohickey just goes round and round. I've tried it with all extensions turned off to no avail.

I opened up the console and apparently, on the same page which I refreshed repeatedly, it was either loading fine or stalling at one of two points:

One was after:

GET http://europe.readytogo.net/js/sonnb/XenGallery/gallery.editor.js?_v=85d67c13
(the line apparently stalling was the one afterwards: GET http://www.google-analytics.com/ga.js)

And the second was after:

GET http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel;r=122789839;a=p-cc1aJrDj3M5vo;fpan=0;fpa=P0-1069218193-1398695496115;ns=0;ce=1;cm=;je=1;sr=1920x1080x24;enc=n;dst=1;et=1398700696069;tzo=-60;ref=http://www.readytogo.net/smb/forums/smb.66/;url=http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/max-clifford.911487/;ogl=site_name.RTG Sunderland Message Boards,image.http://www%2Ereadytogo%2Enet/smb/data/avatars/m/6/6104%2Ejpg?1388665097,image.http://www%2Ereadytogo%2Enet/smb/styles/default/xenforo/logo%2Eog%2Epng,type.article,url.http://www%2Ereadytogo%2Enet/smb/threads/max-clifford%2E911487/,title.Max Clifford,description.Found guilty of 8 charges of indecent assault according to Sky News [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 33ms]

(the line after stalling being: Use of attributes' specified attribute is deprecated. It always returns true.)

I found out what the unknown lines (the second noted ones) were by refreshing repeatedly until the page loaded properly. So, there y'go... What the fuck is it? :lol:

I have exact same problem no I've helps

No one helps
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Is anyone getting "keyword added by SkimWords"? For example, 'Black Ops' was linked to the Amazon page to buy it.
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