Double Ripples

Unfortunately not, but I was fuming when they decided against rolling them out after the trial.
I can see how a new product would be trialled in a specific geographic area, but just a double version of something that already exists ? What sort of feedback are they likely to get ?

Q - Please indicate what you thought of the 'Double Ripples'
A - Well I thought they were fuckin' class. Can't get enough of them me. Twice as good as shit singles. They are so good they will cause me to halluciate and attempt to prove they existed 20 years later. I will harangue all of your employees if you deny any of this existed. Yours, Master Goat Eyes.
I know this is a stupid suggestion but with no pics anywhere and the makers of the bar struggling to find any proof of their existence I think it’s possibly time to accept they never were available.
