British empire worse then the Nazis



Seriously why do these people get given airtime. We’ve also got some stupid tart running for Labour claiming the term ‘empire’ should be scrapped from the honours list.

Give these people an inch and they’ll run a mile with it. Staggering stuff.

The guys a fuckwit,trying to keep himself groovy and current,heres an anti-brown line of his to balance it out for the opposition,non-white members of the tory party are a "cabinet packed with ministers with brown skin wearing tory masks represents the opposition of racial progress" your damned if you do and your damned if you don't,fuck him 😂
The Empire did do a lot of bad and has screwed up parts of the world for a long time, some areas probably still not really fully recovered from it. We should not hide from the horrors of the Empire.

But worse than the Nazi's? Just no.
Seem him on some day time show a few days back seething at a debate on British white working class boys needing more help to achieve academically - as you can imagine he was playing the white privilege card.

To sum it up as an avid historian - British Empire whilst brutal gave people of other nations technology/language/means of production.

Nazism however offered people nothing but ethnic cleansing and death.

Worra bellend.
"Whiteness is not just for white people, there are also Asian people black people who purport the psychosis of whiteness. "


I wonder if those asians and blacks also suffer fro white privilege

Richard Starkey was nailed to the wall when he went on the telly after the riots attributing words like white and black to mean good and bad.

I wonder if that happens this time.
The empire has done some pretty nasty things like but it was just to keep the local population safe from itself. Like a child those nations we helped by pouring our troops into were only there to make it better. Look at those countries now go.
America Canada India and jock land all just needed the correct guidance that's all.

To compare us to the nazis is a bit shit like.
when do we stop dragging up shit from hundreds of years ago for petty point scoring?

do we condemn the Vikings next for what they did ?

Roman Empire ?

The British Empire did do some cruel things and we all know that but all in all they dragged the world by the scruff of the necks into what we see today.

they did what was acceptable of the time and we can’t judge them on 2020 morals.
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