Big Bear Beds

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We've got this shite scattered across Glasgow, the yellow helicopter one obviously a touching tribute to the Clutha bar crash
See 2 or 3 heading up Durham Road pretty often. The bairn says he feels sorry for the bears tied to the top of a van in the rain. You'd think they'd give them a clean now and then like.
This. Absolutely manky, on the main road into Sunderland.

Anyone visiting for the first time will think we’re a town full of slack jawed hillbillies
There's a few of the companies vans kicking about. Blokes from Thorney Close iirc.

There's also a group on bellendbook to post bear spotting pictures.
People are talking about it so the owner probably thinks it’s cheap advertising. Weird that you never see an Amazon van with a flea ridden bear on the top
