Best 80s cartoon villains

The plant bloke from Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors.... Monster Mind?

the “Little Old Lady“ - Charlton and the Wheelies

Zelda - Terrahawks
Some notable ones:

Miles Mayham (mask) aka Sam allardyce
Doc terror (centurions)
Zelda (terahawks) although not a cartoon
Cobra / dr mindbender - GI Joe (action force)
Commander breetai - robotech
Cyril Sneer - the raccoons
Monty Burns - The Simpson’s
The thread I started yesterday wit an irate post about the BBC failing to transmit the entirety of the Governments broadcast on the virus progress has been moved to the Parsnip forum. Just saying.

Now with regards to less frivolous stuff like 80s Cartoon Villains: I'll say Mr Burns
