Bailey's and Tia Maria.

trivia fact: Tia Maria was initially introduced to market as the cheap man's Kahlua

on theme of coffee related alcohol drinks or cocktails... popular with both men and women right now across certain parts of Europe; the DTC

DTC = Drambuie, Tonic and Coffee, but prepared in a Collins type glass with some ice cubes as Drambuie, Tonic and an espresso :cool:

Yep that was the one. Everyone was drinking that probably 1991. I think a few months later they stopped doing it, they just sold the bottles separately, for you to be liable for the consequences more than likely :)

Not long after that the alcopop marker went into overdrive, castaway was joined with the likes of Hooch, Two Dogs, Metz, Mule, Smirnoff Ice, Bacardi Breezers.
