Atheist Britain ?

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i would very much like you to explain the carpenter bee and then why there are only ( pretty much) white or yellow flowers on the Galapagos islands

God thought the colour scheme of the islands would benefit from something in a light spring-like pastel shade and He thought it would be fun to create an insect that was handy with wood?
Religion will inevitably be moved further towards the periphery, that much is obvious and tough on religion....that's the way history works and religion will have take it's lumps along with other social movements.

For me it depends on what we replace it with because for good or ill the religious community are still at the forefront of commenting and attempting to provide a windbreak on the dangers of issues such as unrestricted capitalism. We are becoming our own Gods (so to speak) and whether we're grown up enough to take on that responsibility? Who can say.

History is not an inevitable advancement towards progress and the effects of the marginalisation of religion will be discussed long after we've all been dispatched from this life.

Religion fails miserably at being a 'windbreak' even the house of lords does a better job (and not just the religious members of it). They tend to rarely speak up, usually way to late and almost always in a ill informed manner ensuring no one that matters cares what they say.
As for being god like, perhaps you could argue that makes us more religious, after all if we are god like now, that brings us closer to god as god, it is claimed, made us in his own image.
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