Albert Dryden


mawky brockett

24 years ago this week he shot the man from the council dead over his protracted planning dispute. he was the first man to murder someone on national TV.

He's had 4 parole hearings turned down and he remains in prison.

""FREE Albert Dryden" posters on cars were not an uncommon sight in the Derwentside area during the days and weeks after he was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder in the full glare of publicity of planning officer Harry Collinson"

Wonder if theres any sympathy left in Consett for the old maniac

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24 years ago this week he shot the man from the council dead over his protracted planning dispute. he was the first man to murder someone on national TV.

He's had 4 parole hearings turned down and he remains in prison.

""FREE Albert Dryden" posters on cars were not an uncommon sight in the Derwentside area during the days and weeks after he was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder in the full glare of publicity of planning officer Harry Collinson"

Wonder if theres any sympathy left in Consett for the old maniac

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How come he had a gun?

They're illegal.
Why the fuck would anyone stand in front of a bloke pointing a gun. Don't mind a game of poker mesel but that was the worst call of bluff i have ever seen.
Yeah this

What he did was wrong but surely the people who got shot only have themselves to blame. They should have legged it, armed response would have been there sooner rather than later and took him down.
