28 Days/Weeks Later

I think for me it resonates more because it's places I recognise. South London. Isle of dogs. The hospital reception he finds himself walking out of at the start is the one I walked into for life changing surgery. The dlr. The petrol station that blows up.
Walking round there after a night out as the sun comes up it’s still that quiet
28 Days descends into naffness when the military lot turn up. 28 Weeks I found just utterly depressing.

We’re you expecting a comedy? It’s subject matter speaks volumes for its feelings. A world where everyone who is left alive has a disease that turns them into cannibalistic sub humans (the producer has been on the forum too long!) is hardly a time for levity. I struggle to find a more depressing film really other than Goodfellas or something like that. Taxi Driver is another I find bloody depressing. But 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later are up there.
How long did it take to drive from London to Manchester on an empty motorway in the first fillum :lol:

There’s a deleted scene on YouTube showing them trying to get out of London and all the roads are blocked, then the camera pans out to what looks like the M4 with abandoned cars on it, while real traffic drives past.

Always found it weird the service station scene when he kills the kid and you hear “I hate you”
