How is Stephen Hawking still alive?

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Life expectancy turns on two things: the motor neurons running the diaphragm—the breathing muscles. So the common way people die is of respiratory failure. And the other thing is the deterioration of swallowing muscles, and that can lead to malnutrition and dehydration. If you don't have these two things, you could potentially live for a long time—even though you're getting worse.

There was a book from an American doctor about various patients including ALS and MND sufferers and he said they could normally be kept alive a lot longer with artificial aids but most choose not to as they don’t want to live in such a state - with the will and the technology you can be kept alive a fair bit longer if you so choose it, personally I would state that once I can’t breathe for myself then I would give up
It sounds crazy but you never know but surely the people who know him like his ex wife etc would be able to confirm if its him or not.
Same here, first time I've seen this thread and scrolling down that bit was "that's a well put across point........ jesus Christ man"


He's just a mouth piece now man for the new world order.

Special Moon Water.

I'm more interested in heavy earth water atm bud. Care to talk about how and why a terrorist state acquired some from us?

Fuck. Didn't know they read this place.

Fancy that. An actual doctor has actual patients in their 60s who were diagnosed in their teens.

I wonder if he realises that some nobhead on the internet has declared that mathematically impossible.

So maths is wrong in yours and Cockley Cockneymackems world?

From a position of unimpeachable expertise on the subject, no doubt

Yup. Stop being a playa hata

I don't fit well in that study. Sorry to disappoint
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