Is it time to split the forum?

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I discovered it after 15 minutes, back in 1146.
Us young uns had to be quicker on the uptake back then. Survival of the fittest.

You had to be quick enough to catch a chicken and rip out its tail feather before you could even post on here. Tougher times, but we were all the happier for it.

we could just give the relentless attention seeking posters, with 3-5 threads on the first page at any given day, their very own sub forum
Excellent. Perhaps we should also look to create special boards for women, men, Tories, Labour, UKIP, Socialists and Communists, monarchists and Republicans, together with separate areas for those who shop at Asda, Sainsurys, Tescos and Aldis? We need separate boards for those who chant at the game and another one for the tartan ruggers. Then we can have boards for different ethnicities, too? Languages? Accents? Of course we'll need to make judgments about the respective value to the club, of each grouping. All Sunderland supporters are equal but some (due to a superior gene base) become much more equal than others.

We could build a whole Socio-political paradigm on this system and back it with an industrial military complex 'cos we'll obviously need the material to 'erode' the low quality supporters, who are holding us back from our rightful place as the Father of English Football. It may well provide us with a Final Solution to our most longstanding problems.

Thank you, again. You don't post often but when you appear we are guaranteed a ringside view of your intellectual muscle.

What a pile of shite.
Tell us plebs more about your intellect (Bugger, had to use spellcheck to spell intellect) mate. We can't get enough of stuff like that.
You're asking the wrang one about intellect, man! (Cut and pasting doesn't count. ) Thick as a pit pony's limmer me, but happy as a pig in shite. :)
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