Struggling with squats (stronglifts 5x5)

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I've been trying to build squats into my routine with limited success since late June. I can't seem to break parallel and my form doesn't look 'right'.

According to a physio I have a bit of a problem with one hip that doesn't help and I'm doing exercise to improve the muscle control, combined with the physio doing some mobility work on it.

So would it be best to go back to basics and build up some hip/core strength by doing some body weight squats?

Try goblet squats etc too. Do you have a video? If so, you should post or PM, as it's not always a mobility issue
Can you do body weight squats with correct form and without pain? If so can you just build it steady with progressive overload? If you are patient I'm sure you'll be fine?
Try goblet squats etc too. Do you have a video? If so, you should post or PM, as it's not always a mobility issue

I might try to do that mate, I seem to twist to one side slightly. My general flexibility is shite and I'll check with physio re: plan to improve.

Can you do body weight squats with correct form and without pain? If so can you just build it steady with progressive overload? If you are patient I'm sure you'll be fine?

I did a few last night mate when I got home from the gym. Sometimes I feel OK doing 25kg at either end + bar e.g. last week but then last night I struggled with 2 x 20kg + bar. It might just be that I could only get on the squat equipment/rack towards the end of my session and by then I was a bit too weak.
I might try to do that mate, I seem to twist to one side slightly. My general flexibility is shite and I'll check with physio re: plan to improve.

I did a few last night mate when I got home from the gym. Sometimes I feel OK e.g. last week but then last night I struggles. It might just be that I could only get on the squat equipment/rack towards the end of my session and by then I was a bit too weak.
I do this ever so slightly, it doesn't seem to be a huge problem and I just need to be conscious of keeping the weight central.
What are you cueing yourself to do through the lift?
What are you cueing yourself to do through the lift?

As in the technique I use? If so just the pointers from the stronglift site, off here etc. Rack bar onto back /shoulders, left foot back, right foot back, inhale, break at knees/push hips back, lower as far as I can, push back up from heels while clenching arse cheeks, feet forward in turn and drop weight onto rack.

Is this what you mean by cueing please?
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